信长之野望15大志威力加强版值得玩吗 信长之野望15大志好不好玩

2023-09-04 16:04:12 作者:网络 来源:网络






操作系统: Windows® Japanese ver.

处理器: Pentium®4 1.6GHz

内存: 1 GB RAM

显卡: 1024*768 pixel over

DirectX 版本: 9.0c

存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间

声卡: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played

附注事项: 64MB over VRAM


操作系统: Windows® Japanese ver.

处理器: Multi-core

内存: 2 GB RAM

显卡: 1280*720 pixel over, high-color

DirectX 版本: 9.0c

存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间

声卡: 16 bit stereo, 48KHz WAVE file can be played

附注事项: 128MB over VRAM


Nobunaga’s Ambition, a series synonymous with Historical Simulation Games, has now released an extension of the 13th release in that series, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Tendou, at the Steam Store as Nobunaga’s Ambition: Tendou w/Power-up Kit!On a beautiful 3D map of Japan, players not only fight over castles, but also find a new strategical element in fighting to whittle down their opponent’s territory. For the power-up kit, we have added a new element, “Culture,” that expands the depths of the game’s strategies. Battles become deeper, more brilliant and more exciting.The popular edit mode has been upgraded. And with the AI Editor, a series first, you can even adjust how the computer itself thinks.

以上就是特玩带来的信长之野望15:大志 威力加强版对电脑要求高吗,希望能对大家有所帮助!

